Parwiz Zafari dedicated his life to fostering a progressive, modern, and free society in Iran while serving as a member of the Iranian parliament. However, the rise of the Islamic Republic following the Iranian Revolution eclipsed those aspirations, forcing him to leave behind everything he knew.
In 2023, his extraordinary life was featured on Humans of New York (HONY), chronicled in a captivating 54-part series by Brandon Stanton. On this page, we revisit the series. Each part presents a chapter in the epic of Bubjan's life accompanied by its Persian translation.
Brandon’s initial interviews for the HONY series inspired the film 'Bubjan,’ directed by Nicholas Mihm. The film is distributed by Nimruz as part of our ongoing commitment to foster solidarity through Iranian culture and values.
“We were at the eighteenth birthday party of our daughter Ahang when we learned that a crowded movie theater had been set on fire in the town of Abadan. The arsonists had locked the exits from the outside, and four hundred people were killed. It was the largest act of terrorism in the history of Iran. Later it would be discovered that the arsonists were religious fanatics. But Khomeini was able to convince much of the country that the fire had been started by SAVAK, at the order of the king. The riots continued to grow. And the king began to panic. He called for the formation of a new government and fired his ministers. He wanted to replace them with upright people. People who could inspire confidence. People who could not be corrupted. And there was one member of parliament that was trusted most of all. He lived in a simple house. He drove a beat-up car. Nobody could question Dr. Ameli’s integrity. The king asked him to join the new administration as Minister of Information. In his new position he would be responsible for investigating the Abadan fire. If he discovered something that implicated Khomeini, I knew he would become a marked man. I drove to his office. I begged him to turn down the position. I told him: ‘Things have become too dangerous. Let’s stay low, let’s keep in our bunker. Once things have calmed down, we can reemerge. We can take a stand and make our case to the people.’ Thirty years earlier we had sworn an oath, to give our lives for Iran. The years had changed him in so many ways. There was white in his hair now. He was a respected leader. He’d written and spoken on every facet of Iran’s society and history. His thoughts had evolved. His policies had evolved. But his ideals had never changed. Every choice he made, he made for Iran. Every choice. He listened politely while I made my case. He knew. Deep in his heart he knew. He knew even better than I did. If something happened to the king, he was done. He’d have no protection. He’d have no support. But he had already made his decision. He was going to serve.”
«ما سرگرم جشن هجدهمین زادروز دخترمان آهنگ بودیم که دریافتیم سینمای بزرگی در شهر آبادان به آتش کشیده شده است. آتشافروزان درهای خروجی را از بیرون قفل کردند، و بیش از چهارسد تن را سوزاندند. این بزرگترین کار تبهکارانهی تروریستی در تاریخ ایران بود. دیرتر آشکار شد که آتشافروزان از تندروهای مذهبی بودند. خمینی و یاران تبهکارش به سادگی توانستند به بسیاری بباورانند که آتشسوزی کار ساواک بوده است و به فرمان شاه. پیروانش بیش از پیش خشمگین شدند. شورشها رو به فزونی بود. شاه ترسیده بود. نخست وزیر را برکنار کرد و دولت جدیدی سر کار آمد. میخواست دولتی درخور اعتماد مردم باشد، دنبال درستکردارانی میگشت که به عنوان وزیر خدمت کنند. کسانی که آلوده به فساد نبودند. آنانی را که به درستی شهرت داشتند. دکتر عاملی پزشکی توانا، استاد دانشگاه و نمایندهی مجلس بود که در خانهای ساده به سادگی میزیست و خودروی فرسودهای را میراند. مردی ستودنی بود. شاه از او خواست که به دولت جدید به عنوان وزیر اطلاعات و جهانگردی بپیوندد. در آن جایگاه وی سرپرست بررسی حادثهی آتشسوزی سینما رکس آبادان بود. او بود که باید تبهکاران را پیدا کند و چنین کاری جانش را در خطر میانداخت. هنگامی که شنیدم به او چنین پیشنهادی شده است به دیدنش رفتم و نگرانیام را یادآوری کردم و گفتم بهتر است که ما در سنگر خود بمانیم. سی سال از سوگندی که در همراهی با او برای جان باختن در راه ایران یاد کرده بودم، میگذشت. موهایش اندکی به سپیدی گراییده، گرانمایهای ارجمند بود. دربارهی تمامی زمینههای جامعه و تاریخ ایران نوشته و سخنرانی داشت. اندیشهها و سیاستش پختهتر شده و آرمانهایش همچنان استوار و پا بر جا بودند. هر تصمیم و گزینشش برای ایران بود. او به سخنانم با ادب و بزرگی همیشگیاش گوش داد. میدانست، در ژرفای قلبش میدانست که اگر سلطنت شاه به خطر افتد، کار او نیز تمام است. از من بهتر میدانست که دیگر پناهگاهی نخواهد داشت. ولی او راهش را برگزیده بود. باید خدمت میکرد.»