Parwiz Zafari dedicated his life to fostering a progressive, modern, and free society in Iran while serving as a member of the Iranian parliament. However, the rise of the Islamic Republic following the Iranian Revolution eclipsed those aspirations, forcing him to leave behind everything he knew.
In 2023, his extraordinary life was featured on Humans of New York (HONY), chronicled in a captivating 54-part series by Brandon Stanton. On this page, we revisit the series. Each part presents a chapter in the epic of Bubjan's life accompanied by its Persian translation.
Brandon’s initial interviews for the HONY series inspired the film 'Bubjan,’ directed by Nicholas Mihm. The film is distributed by Nimruz as part of our ongoing commitment to foster solidarity through Iranian culture and values.
“It would have been suicide to fight. There were no courts to petition. No laws to challenge. The only weapon that we had left were our words. I joined together with five colleagues from the Pan-Iranist party, and we formed an underground journal. We met daily in an abandoned office. We wrote with pen and paper, and when each issue was finished it would be secretly printed by a friend that worked at a publishing house. I wrote under the name of Rahdmard. It was the same name Mitra and I would later give to our fourth child, who was born severely disabled. It means a man who is noble. A man who is morally upright. It’s what I wanted for him, and it’s what I wanted for myself as well. In my articles I never attacked the regime directly. I didn’t mention the executions. I never named any names. Instead I wrote about ideals and principles. 𝘋𝘢𝘢𝘥. 𝘙𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪. 𝘈𝘻𝘢𝘥𝘪. I said: ‘Let us not lose ourselves. Let us not descend back into darkness.’ We had no idea if our words were being read. Each issue would only be one thousand copies, and we’d only pass them out amongst our friends. But we were like a dying person who was desperate to live. If we wanted to survive, these were the breaths we had to take. Just being together gave us hope. Darkness was pressing in all around us. But coming together for a single purpose, a single goal—it gave our hearts energy. Each day we’d share the news we’d seen and heard. We talked about what we could do, how we could help. One of the members had been sheltering Dr. Ameli at his house. He’d been staying there since the first days of the revolution. But after several weeks he began to miss his wife and family. So he decided to leave the safehouse. He knew that he was innocent, so he took a chance. He went back home. And that’s where they grabbed him.”
«پیکار با آنها خودکشی بود. امید چندانی برای نبرد مسلحانه نبود. دادگاهی برای دادخواست وجود نداشت. قانونی برای به چالش کشیدن نداشتیم. تنها کارمان نوشتن بود. همراه پنج تن از یاران پانایرانیست مجلهای زیرزمینی راه انداختیم. با کاغذ و خودکار مینوشتیم. مجله پنهانی به دست دوستی که در چاپخانه کار میکرد آماده میشد. از هر شماره تنها هزار نسخه. آن را میان دوستان پخش میکردیم. من با نام رادمرد می نوشتم. مرد آزاده و جوانمرد. راستکردار . مردی که آرزو داشتم باشم. این نام را برای چهارمین فرزندمان برگزیدیم. او بیمار زاده شد. آن ویژگیها را برایش میخواستم. در نوشتههایم به رژیم نتاختم. از اعدامها سخن نگفتم. نامی از کسی نبود. دربارهی آرمانها و بنیادها نوشتم. داد، راستی، آزادی. میخواستم خود را فراموش نَکُنیم، به تاریکی فرو نیفتیم. نمیدانستیم که نوشتههامان خوانده میشوند یا نه. تلاشهایی نومیدانه برای زنده ماندن بود. هر روز خبرهایی را که دیده و شنیده بودیم با هم در میان میگذاشتیم. دربارهی آنچه میتوانستیم انجام دهیم و کمکهایی که از دستمان برمیآمد، گفتوگو میکردیم. ما پشتیبان هم بودیم و برای آرمانی همگانی و هدفی مشترک همگام، و این به ما دلگرمی میداد. روزگاری بیمآمیز بود و همین با هم بودن امید میبخشید. نواری از آژیر با نیمرخی از چهر مهربانش بر آن که درفش شیر و خورشید نشان بر گردنش جنبان بود، جاکلیدی و سنجاقسینههایی با نشان شیر و خورشید، جزوهی «کار، تنها سند مالکیت و یگانه پاسدار آن» از کارهای آن روزهاست. یکی از دوستان از نخستین روزهای پس از شورش پناهگاهی برای دکتر عاملی فراهم کرده بود. دلتنگی همسر، فرزندان و دیگر گرامیانش او را از پناهگاه بیرون کشاند. او را در خانهی پدری دستگیر کردند.»